A Catalogue of Educational Materials from the Internet

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About Trism

Trism is a catalogue of educational materials that takes inspiration from websites such as IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList or PCPartPicker and lets people compile their own lists of educational material such as books, videos, online courses and websites, etc. Each list is saved individually and can be used for personal reference or shared with others.

How to use Trism

First, make an account by clicking Register at the top.

Once you've registered, log in (on first registration, you'll be logged in automatically.

The Profile button will bring you to your Profile from where you can see your lists, your personal info (just the Username at the moment), and your subscription details.

Clicking on "Create new List" will bring you to a page with a blank list, which you can fill in by clicking on the buttons for adding new items at the bottom of the page and filling in the input form that pops up.